Depart the port of Piraeus and take a scenic drive by motorcoach into cosmopolitan Athens, where you will experience a breathtaking view of antiquity as you look upwards towards the marvelous structure of the Parthenon. Follow your guide for approximately 10 minutes uphill, walking to the entrance of the Acropolis. From there, you will be led up the pathway and steps leading through the massive Propylaia onto the top of the rock of the Acropolis itself. Relive the glory that was Greece as you walk over this masterpiece. View the Parthenon, the delicate temple of the Wingless Victory, the Erectheion, and the entire city of Athens below. Your guide will walk you from the Acropolis into the old districts of Athens, in Plaka, where you will enjoy a Greek lunch in a local restaurant. Then, take a short walking tour of the Plaka area and enjoy free time. Continue with a panoramic drive of the city on your way to the famous National Archaeological Museum. Pass the Temple of Zeus, the Panathenaic Stadium, the House of Parliament, Constitution Square, the Monument of the Unknown Soldier, the National Academy, the library, and university. Stop at the National Archaeological Museum which is considered one of the most important museums in the world. Tour the splendid galleries displaying art from the most brilliant periods of Athenian ancient history.