How to enjoy your first kid-free vacation.
Remember when you could take off on a whim for a long trip, bringing just a swimsuit and sunglasses, and you stayed out late and slept in? While those days may be gone for new parents, it doesn’t mean you can’t relive them—briefly—on a kid-free getaway!
Planning a couple’s escape is a great chance to recharge and rekindle a little romance you may have lost after becoming parents. Here’s what you need to know about planning a quick kid-free trip, and if there’s no babysitter to be found, how you can still get some alone time while traveling with your little one:

Keep it simple, make it quick
Don’t take on long distance travel when you’re leaving your child with family or close friends—it’s inevitable that you will miss them. Choose somewhere relatively close, so you can get right into vacation mode quickly and make the most of having a babysitter.
Warm-weather destinations let you travel light—you can rewear your same bathing suit every afternoon! Aim for a quick, non-stop flight, or catch a cruise from a nearby port to make your travel time onboard part of your vacation.
Away We Go reco: A two-day trip to The Bahamas. Just long enough to relax and you can be back home to your child before the weekend is over.

Maximize baby-free fun
So your kids are at home and you’re enjoying some one-on-one time with your partner, but Grandma can only watch them for so long! You’ll need to plan and prioritize your kid-free activities to make the most of this time.
For instance, pick just one or two fancy restaurants where you can linger through dessert. If your other meals are more casual, you’ll have more time to soak up your destination or get out and explore. Speaking of exploring, opt for areas with attractions close together, whether a waterfront walk or a packed day downtown so there’s less travel and more fun!
Away We Go reco: For getting around, pick transportation that lets you easily hop off, or that feels like you’re on a tour! Think ferries, streetcars, bike rentals, or even gondolas!

Find fun kid programs
Sometimes a kid-free vacation just isn’t possible, especially if you’re looking to get away for more than a week. But even if your kids come along, that doesn’t mean you can’t get some alone time with your partner.
If you are traveling with your kids, research kids programs that are highly rated, separated by age group, and most of all, seem exciting! A trip that includes a dedicated kids area with crafts, games, scavenger hunts, sports, and science experiments can buy you a lot of adult time. And when your kids are jetting off to see their new friends (under qualified adult supervision), you can sit back and enjoy a moment of adults-only vacation time.
Away We Go reco: Find the travel activities and experience for your child that you’re most interested in, and check on the age range and costs of kids care before you go!